Internal redeployment, coaching and mentoring, the Alternative Solution®, career development, all allow you to partner with CMI in the pledge to support the business of people.
Internal Redeployment – Create a better workforce through better planning.
Career Management International consults with your organization to design and implement a viable redeployment process for your workforce. A carefully designed process defines the short and long term needs of the organization and compares those needs to employee strengths and competencies to provide a guide for effective talent management.
CMI works closely with your organization to encourage and enable realistic objectives for redeployment through a systematic workforce planning process that includes:
- Identification of current skills resident in the workforce, skills needed in the future, and gap analysis; diversity goals; recruitment and retention plans and tools; training and education
initiatives; and metrics - Design of a communications plan and platform for implementing corporate change strategy, human resource management, and development initiatives
CMI will guide your employees in integrating and aligning their skills and career development goals to your organization’s current and emerging needs and trends. A core element of successful workforce planning is to also make provisions for those employees whose strengths and skills are no longer needed in their current function or for those employees whose functions are no longer a part of the overall strategy of the organization. A determination of critical skills that are necessary for the success of the organization is an essential first step.
CMI will team with your management and Human Resource professionals to effect and implement strategies for: leadership development and replacement; career assessment, training, and placement options; leveraging human resource information systems (HRIS) technology to announce job vacancies and opportunities; defining the potential for cross training opportunities; helping employees learn what they need to do in order to continue with the organization as productive employees.
Coaching and Mentoring – Help your investment in your human capital reach its potential.
CMI understands that whether it is coaching or mentoring, one-on-one attention is of paramount importance and provides useful, dependable assistance. CMI knows that the key success factor in effective coaching and mentoring is the example set by those at the top of the organization, who are in turn supported by common sense and measurable steps provided by CMI’s expert coaching staff.
Coaching is a key tool both in developing talent and achieving culture change. It is the primary method for remedying identified deficiencies in management style. CMI’s coaching concerns itself with amplifying the individual’s own knowledge and thought processes. It is about creating a supportive environment in which to challenge and develop critical thinking skills, ideas and behaviors.
Mentoring is typically a more gradual process than coaching. A mentor is a person who is motivated to help the employee succeed and who takes time to listen and guide the mentee without any personal or political agenda other then the success of the individual and the company. CMI’s proprietary assessments help determine the best matches between mentors and mentees, so that the process has the best chance of short and long term success. The strength of mentoring lies in the mentor’s specific knowledge and wisdom; in coaching it lies in the facilitation and development of the client’s personal qualities. CMI’s coaches offer a fresh perspective – a different viewpoint which enhances problem solving and positive communications.
The Alternative Solution™ – A little extra effort can go a long way.
This innovative and strategic approach to employee development provides resources for long-term improvement. A measurable, achievable plan, combined with the assistance that a CMI professional career counselor provides, can help elevate your key employees to new levels of career satisfaction and productivity.
Frequently, organizations contain key individuals who, for varying reasons, have lost their edge and are no longer as productive as they once were. These individuals, whose results have become borderline, generally tend to improve with management intervention. These periods of remission indicate that the person has the ability to improve, but that there are challenges that need to be addressed. Often this type of employee has self doubts that negate the very skills necessary for on-going results, and infusions of management interaction are only temporary fixes.
To prevent this type of employee becoming a non-productive “lifer”, CMI developed the Alternative Solution™, a time-limited assessment and counseling program that assists the employee, management and the organization to determine the best future course. CMI’s counselor assists the employee in learning marketable strengths, how their specific and measurable strengths align with the current position, and what gaps are present. Counseling continues and realistic performance expectations, with timelines, are established. Should long-term improvement not appear likely, CMI provides career transition services at no additional charge.
Career Development – Success is measured by the goals we set.
Often employees joining an organization or those who have been with the organization for a short time have little or no idea as to how they may best progress into other opportunities. CMI knows that the development of a career path increases employee’s sense of “belonging” which it turn increases productivity and efficiency. CMI’s strategic programs and training modules have been successfully used by organizations in a variety of industries for over twenty years. CMI’s experience in the career transition field has played a large part in making career development services proactive and to the point, by establishing measurable outcomes for the employee and the organization.
Career Development lets your help your employees reach their full potential. Getting the right people in the right job at the right time is important. Keeping people in the right job is essential to productivity. The need for strategic workforce planning is more critical now than ever.
Organizational commitment to career development positively impacts recruitment and attrition. A strong knowledge of critical skills resident in the workforce, paired with essential emerging technologies, provides the ingredients to solve problems, increase career alignment and productivity, and effectively service customers in times when surge capacity is required.
Today’s successful organizations recognize the importance of skills mix from a systems approach. Systematic career development provides a process for employees to plot out potential career moves and supplies information regarding the development of skills that are necessary for this progression to occur. Career Management International will design a Career Development Program that benefits your organization by supporting the workforce. Depending on your organization’s culture, information may be delivered individually, or through a series of workshops. If you presently have some elements of a Career Development Program already in place, CMI will evaluate those elements, with the potential of incorporating them into an overall process. Additionally, CMI works with both manager and human resource personnel to facilitate the use of best practices while developing steps along the way.
More About the Career Development Workshops.
CMI team building workshop series, called Kingdomality, is a great fit for groups of all sizes. Read more about Kingdomality.
CMI consulting services assist your organization in creating a viable human resource development system to assess, evaluate, coach, mentor, counsel and promote interested, qualified employees to management positions. Additionally, competent, hard-working employees who best serve your organization in their current roles are encouraged to maintain and increase their productivity through carefully planned training events and pay for performance awards.
Our goal is to provide you with a systematic, open and transparent career development process that is compatible with your organization’s mission, structure, culture and technology.
CMI will provide you with a wide range of suitable options, which may include the design of job analysis, occupational and organizational competencies, position descriptions, compensation structure, training design and delivery, mentoring opportunities and upward feedback.
CMI has extensive experience in the use and validity of assessment instruments to determine which are most applicable in different situations and cultures. Our expertise has been helpful to various organizations in guiding them toward the most effective structuring of their human resource development programs. With CMI’s assistance, your Human Resources personnel can ensure that employees will better meet and exceed their goals and objectives, resulting in a greater and more meaningful contribution to your bottom line.
CMI consultants will:
- Develop curriculum for internal trainers or provide training
- Counsel employees to recognize their marketable strengths
- Teach employees and managers how strengths can map to tasks
- Assist mentors to be as effective as possible