CMI has been providing award winning services since 1976.
CMI’s outplacement services have the highest resolution rates in the industry. No kidding. For forty years, our professional career counselors have transitioned people worldwide through our unlimited service programs. Read more…
Kingdomality™ Team Building
Kingdomality, designed by CMI to be more than simply a training event, provides a process for better team communication and continuous self-improvement which will last long after the education has been completed. Read more…
Organizational Development
Companies face several challenges as they attempt to manage their workforces as strategic assets. Basically, most individuals fall into a rhythm as they carry out their daily tasks – a rhythm that is comfortable, non-threatening and one that generally produces “acceptable” results. Read more…
Talent Management
Career Management International consults with your organization to design and implement a viable redeployment process for your workforce. A carefully designed process defines the short and long term needs of the organization and compares those needs to employee strengths and competencies to provide a guide for effective talent management. Read more…
Customized Training
CMI provides a number of training workshops for our clients. Each workshop is tailored to meet the specific expectations of your organization. The client needs dictate content, duration, instructor, and potential follow-up, and are always considered in advance of any workshop preparation. Read more…
For the Public Sector
CMI’s outplacement, employee development and career counseling continue to be utilized by agencies in the federal, state and local government for almost two decade. We work within NIST standards for privacy and are Safe Harbor certified. Read more…
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