Career Alignment Profile™ and Color Cruncher™

CAP™ helps individuals to determine their strengths through the identification of their unique interests, abilities and work style preferences.  CAP™ generates a personal report to enable you to match your unique strengths to appropriate training, career fields, or other specific career opportunities.

Color Cruncher helps individuals evaluate optimal career choices by analyzing key words in job descriptions, job listings, training programs, and recreational and volunteer postings.

By using Color Cruncher in conjunction with your personalized CAP™ assessment report, you are able to compare your strengths to potential career fields and/or specific opportunities.  If the majority of your colors align with the results of the Color Cruncher, the opportunity is a potentially good match that you may choose to pursue.  If not, other options should be explored.

After you enroll in the Careers In Motion Program, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that will contain a unique user ID and password for CAP™.  It enables you to access the CAP™ and Color Cruncher process and your Career Transition program workbook.  The CAP™ site will guide and instruct you on how to complete the assessment.

Upon completion of the CAP™ assessment, you receive a personal report that identifies your top three marketable strengths.

Some workshops require that you print out your personal CAP™ report and bring it with you.  This includes all individual sessions and the "Improving Individual Job Preformance" workshop.

Please to get your password for CAP™